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literature objective n theory answers


The use of irony in the text is called situational irony. Bigger has always regarded every white person as his mortal enemy and as fate will have it,a white friend is brought his way. To him, Every white person is a symbol of oppression. On the contrary, Mary Dalton is friendly to bigger but bigger is ready to exhibit his disdain for white folks as the same feelings is felt towards Jan too. On the other hand, many and jam (the two white lovers ) shows him love and friendliness which makes him ashamed of himself. Both lovers are closing at the risk of disapproval from their own folks. The two parties are actually operating in total ignorance of the other's situation , a condition brought about by years of unhealthy extreme opinion of the other .

It is also ironical that jan,whom bigger tried blame his murder of Mary on, would later take step to free the same bigger of culpability in the crime. He is the one who brings max to Bigger to act as his counsel during his arraignment.

Another ironic situation is noticed with the respect of bigger's freedom. While restricted to a cell in prison , he feels free whereas outside, he feels prisoned.

Ajumobi was a brave and
powerful hunter who enjoyed boasting
of his prowess as a successful hunter.
In his lifetime, he was firm and had absolute control of his household.
Ajumobi was a happy and lively man.
Like most men in Kufi, he liked
drinking palmwine in the company of
friends. He was quite ambitious. Prior
to his death, he planned to renovate his house and even take a second
wife. Yaremi loved her husband
greatly and in spite of their many
squabbles in his lifetime, she missed
his affection and companionship.

In the ancient Greek drama, Oedipus the
tragic hero is convinced he can overcome the Oracle's predication that he will unwittingly kill his father and marry his mother. He blinds himself in a fit of rage after the prophecy is fulfilled.
Is the word given to the excessive pride exhibited by the tragic hero in
ancient Greek drama, which brings about his downfall. It is hubris that ultimately causes Bigger's death. Filled with excitement after committing the
seemingly ultimate crime-killing and decapitating a white woman-Bigger puts aside his doubts and his instinctual desire to run and save himself and repeatedly returns to the scene of the crime, the Dalton house.

literature objective n theory answers


The use of irony in the text is called situational irony. Bigger has always regarded every white person as his mortal enemy and as fate will have it,a white friend is brought his way. To him, Every white person is a symbol of oppression. On the contrary, Mary Dalton is friendly to bigger but bigger is ready to exhibit his disdain for white folks as the same feelings is felt towards Jan too. On the other hand, many and jam (the two white lovers ) shows him love and friendliness which makes him ashamed of himself. Both lovers are closing at the risk of disapproval from their own folks. The two parties are actually operating in total ignorance of the other's situation , a condition brought about by years of unhealthy extreme opinion of the other .

It is also ironical that jan,whom bigger tried blame his murder of Mary on, would later take step to free the same bigger of culpability in the crime. He is the one who brings max to Bigger to act as his counsel during his arraignment.

Another ironic situation is noticed with the respect of bigger's freedom. While restricted to a cell in prison , he feels free whereas outside, he feels prisoned.

Ajumobi was a brave and
powerful hunter who enjoyed boasting
of his prowess as a successful hunter.
In his lifetime, he was firm and had absolute control of his household.
Ajumobi was a happy and lively man.
Like most men in Kufi, he liked
drinking palmwine in the company of
friends. He was quite ambitious. Prior
to his death, he planned to renovate his house and even take a second
wife. Yaremi loved her husband
greatly and in spite of their many
squabbles in his lifetime, she missed
his affection and companionship.

In the ancient Greek drama, Oedipus the
tragic hero is convinced he can overcome the Oracle's predication that he will unwittingly kill his father and marry his mother. He blinds himself in a fit of rage after the prophecy is fulfilled.
Is the word given to the excessive pride exhibited by the tragic hero in
ancient Greek drama, which brings about his downfall. It is hubris that ultimately causes Bigger's death. Filled with excitement after committing the
seemingly ultimate crime-killing and decapitating a white woman-Bigger puts aside his doubts and his instinctual desire to run and save himself and repeatedly returns to the scene of the crime, the Dalton house.

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2017-04-05 10:25 (Edited 2017-04-05 10:38 by scalesLhord ) · result (1)

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