While Many People Dream of Becoming a Better Person Than The Previous Year, Only a Few actually Do It.
While Many People Dream of Quitting their Job and Starting their Own Business, Only a Few actually did it.
WHY Is It That Some People Are More Successful Than Others?
BECAUSE the Power of their Excuse is *More* Powerful than their *DREAMS*.
I don't have the Money.
I don't have any contacts to start with.
I'm not smart enough
I can't talk
I don't have the time (Yet you have the time to wake up at 5am and get dressed in the traffic)
I'm too busy (Doing what exactly?).
It takes too long to build a business (But you envy Successful People ask how long it took them)
I'm afraid. Building a business is too risky for me (Is sleeping not risky, people hv died in their sleep).
I don't like dealing with people ( you are not an Island)
I'm too old ( Colonel Sanders started @ 65yrs)
Waiting for all the lights to be GREEN (lights turn green when you press the button)
MY husband, my wife, my parents didn't support it (They don't support You to be broke either but You are).
My job is too demanding and I travel a lot.
I'm not good at Marketing
No, it's Network. I can't do it. (But you gladly refer friends to see a movie... Time to Monetize your Loyalty)
I'm not a professional (No one was born a professional be humble enough to learn the skills)
For every reason why it's not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.
Lots of people overcome these so-called limiting factors, so it can't be the limiting factors that limit you.
It's not the external conditions and circumstances that stop you- it's YOU!
We stop ourselves! We think limiting thoughts and engage in self-defeating behaviour.
Now get up, get out & take *ACTION* 👏👏👏
iCharity Club is a peer-to-peer donation platform for members to help other members in a systematic way. By using this platform, member can give and receive donations from each other voluntarily. It is open to everybody, anywhere in the world can join this program.