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*MS Vaishali Nigam Sinha,Founder and CEO of iCharity*
Vaishali Nigam Sinha is the Founder and CEO of iCharity, a non-profit online platform which brings together those who want to give and those who are committed to working in the social sector. iCharity enlists NGOs operating in India and provides them with a platform to showcase their work and reach out to donors. The aim of iCharity is to bring transparency and professional standards in the nonprofit sector. Vaishali started her career on Wall Street as an investment banker at J.P Morgan. After stints in New York and London she returned to India in 2003 where, after several years in banking, she became a social entrepreneur. Vaishali earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Delhi University and a Masters in Public Policy from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs in New York. While at Columbia, she received the prestigious American Association of University Women scholarship.Vaishali also serves as a Director on the Board of ReNew Power, a renewable energy company and one of India's leading Independent Power Producers.She is an accomplished classical Indian dancer, enjoys travelling and is passionate about social impact and wants to make ''giving'' a way of life in India, and the rest of the world.
*For those of you who want to open an iCharityClub Account, or you know you CANNOT get your five down lines, or you want to pay people to get u down lines and take u from one grade to another, please pm or PC (private message/private chat) me immediately. I have an exciting offer for u. But it is strictly, FIRST COME FIRST SERVED!* *Mr Wealth* Admin/Team Leader
*To succeed at anything you must develop a Success Mindset.*
If you have ever wondered why two people with the exact same circumstances and with identical goals don’t get the same results, you know that there must be something less obvious that contributed to the success of one and the failure of the other. Adopting a success mindset is the determining factor which makes the difference between success and failure, regardless of other circumstances. Mindset is best described as the mental attitude that takes shape based on life experiences, environment, education and the ideas of the people we interact with the most. Mindset influences our interpretation of life’s events and predetermines the way in which we commonly respond to situations. Eventually, our frequent responses become habits and as they settle, they give rise to our predominant state of mind. People with a positive mindset tend to find opportunity in every problem, while those with a negative mindset feel as if the world is collapsing under their feet. Often, there can be very little difference in their circumstances. Once you learn about mindsets, you will clearly see that your mindset is directly linked to your thoughts - and thoughts can become things. Thoughts are powerful indeed and as conscious beings, we have the privilege to control them - by choice. Unfortunately, this is not what most people do. They lack this knowledge and allow their thoughts to rule their lives without even being aware of it. Will you live a life controlled by random thoughts or will you choose your thoughts carefully to develop a success mindset? When you get a hold of your thoughts you have the power to create wonderful things in your life, all by just taking command, training and instructing your mind to think properly. "What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us." - *Ralph Waldo Emerson.*
What is comfort zone?  Comfort Zone is a place where destinies and life’s purposes are wasted. It’s a place where people settle for less and bid their greatness farewell. It’s a burial ground for fulfillment, success and breakthrough. Comfort zone is a place of unproductive pleasure and enjoyment.  If you are satisfied with your present situation, location, breakthrough, success, greatness, accomplishment etc, then, it means you are already in your comfort zone. I think it is better you take step and move ahead before it is too late. It is a dangerous thing to rest when you are yet to reach your final destination. The story in 1King 13 about the young prophet who was resting while he was yet to reach his destination is good lesson for us. Please read. 
Failure to improve on your knowledge and skills that can enhance your career/profession 
Refusal to continue your education or improve on the existing knowledge despite every opportunity to do so 
Lack of initiative and idea required to rebrand and expand your business for more profits 
Failure to make more efforts as a result of past past failures and discouragement 
Lack of self-discovery, which is the foundation for lack of purpose discovery
Dwelling in sin by failure to accept Christ is a sign of comfort zone
Failure to take risk is as good as risking everything. Such is a sign of comfort zone. Etc No matter what you have achieved in life, there are still more new opportunities, new grounds, undiscovered treasures, new heights, etc. waiting to be explored. SO TAKE STEP TODAY.  NOTE: Comfort Zone swallows glory and hinders destiny fulfillment. There are better opportunities ahead of you. If you’re not where you want to be in your life, it’s probably because you’re stuck inside of your own comfort zone. Take steps today and get out of your comfort zone.  I WISH YOU A GLORIOUS NIGHT REST!
While Many People Dream of Becoming a Better Person Than The Previous Year, Only a Few actually Do It. *WHY?* While Many People Dream of Quitting their Job and Starting their Own Business, Only a Few actually did it. *WHY?* WHY Is It That Some People Are More Successful Than Others? BECAUSE the Power of their Excuse is *More* Powerful than their *DREAMS*.
I don't have the Money.
I don't have any contacts to start with.
I'm not smart enough
I can't talk
I don't have the time (Yet you have the time to wake up at 5am and get dressed in the traffic)
I'm too busy (Doing what exactly?).
It takes too long to build a business (But you envy Successful People ask how long it took them)
I'm afraid. Building a business is too risky for me (Is sleeping not risky, people hv died in their sleep).
I don't like dealing with people ( you are not an Island)
I'm too old ( Colonel Sanders started @ 65yrs)
Waiting for all the lights to be GREEN (lights turn green when you press the button)
MY husband, my wife, my parents didn't support it (They don't support You to be broke either but You are).
My job is too demanding and I travel a lot.
I'm not good at Marketing
No, it's Network. I can't do it. (But you gladly refer friends to see a movie... Time to Monetize your Loyalty)
I'm not a professional (No one was born a professional be humble enough to learn the skills) For every reason why it's not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded. Lots of people overcome these so-called limiting factors, so it can't be the limiting factors that limit you. It's not the external conditions and circumstances that stop you- it's YOU! We stop ourselves! We think limiting thoughts and engage in self-defeating behaviour. Now get up, get out & take *ACTION* 👏👏👏 TeamJason👑
International Charity Club (iCharity Club) is an International community of donors. 
iCharity Club is a peer-to-peer donation platform for members to help other members in a systematic way. By using this platform, member can give and receive donations from each other voluntarily. It is open to everybody, anywhere in the world can join this program.
Sponsored by 👤..Mr. Dickson Awaji For Icharity

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